Star Plus' beloved show Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin continues to deliver emotional and dramatic moments, keeping its audience hooked. With Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bhardwaj in the lead, the show’s current track revolves around Savi’s struggles with her past and Rajat’s determination to reignite her passion for her IAS dreams.
Rajat’s Unwavering Support for Savi
The storyline has highlighted Rajat's dedication to supporting Savi. After learning about her aspirations to become an IAS officer, Rajat has gone to great lengths to remind her of the promise she made to herself and her family. Despite his efforts and Sai’s encouragement, Savi’s traumatic past continues to haunt her, making her hesitant to move forward.
Recently, in a heartfelt gesture, Rajat filled out Savi’s UPSC exam form and handed her the hall ticket, giving her the push she needed to begin preparing. With Sai's guidance, Savi reluctantly agreed to start studying, but her inner turmoil still posed a significant challenge.
Savi’s Emotional Breakdown
In a mock test supervised by Sai, Savi’s resolve was put to the test. However, memories of her wedding day—when her exam was disrupted by goons and Ishaan was tragically shot—overwhelmed her. The painful recollections shook her, causing her to emotionally shut down and refuse to proceed with the test or her upcoming UPSC exam.
Rajat’s Dramatic Step
In the upcoming episode, Rajat takes an unexpected and bold step to bring Savi back on track. He takes her to a secluded location and creates a dramatic setup: a circle of fire around himself. Rajat declares he will stay within the flames until Savi completes a mock test.
This intense act of love and determination leaves Savi shocked and desperate to extinguish the flames. However, Rajat’s resolve forces her to confront her fears and reconsider her decision.
A Turning Point in Savi’s Journey
Rajat’s drastic measure could serve as the catalyst for Savi to overcome her trauma and take control of her future. It also seems to pave the way for a deeper connection between the couple. As hinted in earlier updates, Savi’s realization of Rajat’s unwavering support might lead her to confess her feelings.
Adding to the excitement, fans can anticipate a heartwarming moment when Savi shares her pregnancy news with Rajat during an upcoming romantic date at a mela.
What’s Next?
Will Rajat’s extreme gesture inspire Savi to face her past and reignite her dream of becoming an IAS officer? Or will her trauma continue to hold her back? The upcoming episodes promise intense drama, emotional depth, and pivotal moments that will shape Savi and Rajat’s journey..