• It is necessary to find out what skills students have in terms of technical and quality education - Chief Guest

BERHAMPUR, 20/1 (Abhijeet Kar): The 28th foundation day celebrations of NIST University were celebrated with great pomp and ceremony on Monday at the university premises in Golangthara. The event, organized under the chairmanship of the founder and managing Director of the university, Dr. Sukant Kishore Mohapatra, was graced by the chief guest, Director of IIT Dhanbad, Dr. Sukumar Mishra, while the guests of honour were Dr. Ashok Ganguly, Director of IISER Berhampur, Brigadier Jagdeep Chauhan, Army Aid Defence College, and the chief speaker was Shri Shashi Shekhar Mohanty, CEO of Esr Steel, and the Chancellor of the university, Dr. Priyadarshan Patra. On this occasion, the chief guest addressed the students on the theme of Jai Jawan Jai Kisan Jai Vigyan Jai Anusandhan. Similarly, the role of the university in providing technical and quality education is important and it is necessary to find out what skills the students here have, said the chief guest Dr. Mishra. The founder Shri Mohapatra said that in the coming days, he aims to introduce himself as the number one research university in the country.

On the occasion, the Vice Chancellor of the university wished the students a bright future and said that over the years, the talented students of NIST University of Technology have been able to bring NIST to the top at the national and international levels and the students should always strive to maintain this trend in the coming days. The 

chief speaker advised the coming generation to use clean energy to make India a leading country in steel production in the world. Jagdeep Chauhan said that the engineering students of this university can join the defense services after completing their B.Tech degree. In-charge Registrar of the educational institution, Dr. Vishnukar Nayak, gave the vote of thanks at the end of the program. In this context, various seminars on the goals and ideals of the institution continued throughout the day on the campus, in which a discussion was held on many topics like research and innovation, startup and industry linkages, student parliament, academic and industry collaboration. Professor Suhransu Samantraya, Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bhubaneswar, and G. Shiv Prasad, Research Entrepreneur at Twerks participated in this seminar and guided the students. A seminar was organized in collaboration with industry education.

Rotarian Jayashree Mohanty, Head of Modern Test Center Rajendra Mishra, and Chief Program Officer of Microsoft America Sunil Sabat participated as panelists. In the felicitation program organized in the evening, about 38 faculty and non-faculty members were given awards on the occasion of their 10th, 15th, 20th, and 25th anniversary. Similarly, Dr. Preeti Ranjan Sahu, Dr. Sabyasachi Rath, Dr. Sasmita Padhi, Dr. Rathikant Nayak, Dr. Braj Kishore Mishra, Dr. Sandeepan Malik, Dr. Manabendra Patra, Prof. Swadhin Mishra, Dr. Amit Patnaik, Prof. Saroj Padhi, Prof. Mitu Baral, Dr. Amar Nath Padhi, Dr. Bhanu Prasad Behera, Prof. Bhavani Gouda, Prof. Durga Madhav Padhi, Pitrambar Sahu, Pragya Rani Samanta, Anwesa Panigrahi, Prabhudat Mishra, Gopabandhu Uttarakabat, Soumya Muduli, Santosh Sahu, Ramakant Choudhury performed various responsibilities. The program was moderated by Dr. Akanksha Patnaik Manch, while all the faculty and staff of the university were present and cooperated in the management.