Neha Harsora, who portrays Sailee, the lead character in Udne Ki Aasha, is on cloud nine as the show continues to dominate the TRP charts, securing its position as the number one show on Indian television. Thrilled with the show's success, Neha reflects on the incredible journey and credits the teamwork behind its sustained excellence.
“It’s been almost a year since we started shooting for Udne Ki Aasha, and to see our show consistently climb the charts and now sit at the #1 position feels like scaling Everest,” Neha shares with excitement. “I’m incredibly fortunate to work with such a dedicated cast and crew. Our unity is the backbone of this success. Every member, whether on-screen or behind the scenes, pours their heart into this show. And, of course, our audience’s connection with the story and characters has been instrumental in our journey to the top.”
‘Expectations Are Not My Thing’: Neha on Joining the #1 Show
When asked if she ever expected to be part of a show that would become a TV sensation, Neha replied with her signature optimism:
“I’m a very happy-go-lucky person. I never set expectations for anything in my life. That way, whatever comes is always a bonus. When I took on Udne Ki Aasha, I had the same mindset. Now, looking back, I can proudly say I’ve been rewarded with a wholesome bonus, and it’s been an incredible experience. I want to keep this energy alive and hope we continue to retain the top slot while winning hearts.”
The Essence of Udne Ki Aasha
The show’s gripping narrative, coupled with the strong performances of its cast, has resonated deeply with viewers. For Neha, the bond shared by the team is as significant as the story itself. "Our strong team connection reflects on screen, and that’s what makes the audience connect with us so profoundly," she concludes.
With its compelling storyline and dedicated cast, Udne Ki Aasha remains a favorite among viewers, and Neha Harsora’s heartfelt dedication ensures the show’s continued success.