Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor's sizzling chemistry in Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani continues to captivate audiences, even though the duo has not signed any new projects together. The film’s re-release has managed to maintain a good hold despite fierce competition from new releases like Game Changer and Fateh. However, the collections took a dip on Day 8. Let’s dive into the latest box office numbers!
Strong Competition Hits Box Office Numbers
Fans of Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani have been flocking to theaters to relive the magic, and the film had a strong opening during its re-release. After a solid first week, the competition grew fierce with the arrival of Game Changer, Fateh, and other new releases. Despite this, the re-release made a respectable showing. However, on Day 8, it saw a decline of 35% and earned ₹90 lakhs. This marks the first time the film has dropped below the ₹1 crore mark since its re-release.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani Re-Release Box Office Breakdown
- Day 1: ₹1.15 crores
- Day 2: ₹2.25 crores
- Day 3: ₹2.85 crores
- Day 4: ₹1.50 crores
- Day 5: ₹1.48 crores
- Day 6: ₹1.52 crores
- Day 7: ₹1.40 crores
- Day 8: ₹90 lakhs
- Total: ₹13.05 crores
Lifetime Earnings with Re-Release Collections
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani originally grossed ₹190.03 crores during its theatrical run in 2013. Adding the re-release collections, its overall earnings now stand at ₹203.08 crores. It becomes the fourth film from 2013 to enter the ₹200 crore club, joining Dhoom 3 (₹280.25 crores), Krrish 3 (₹240.50 crores), and Chennai Express (₹226.70 crores).
While Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani’s re-release faced competition from newer films, its re-entry into cinemas brought back nostalgia for many fans, giving it impressive earnings in its second run. Despite the drop, it has still crossed significant milestones and remains a fan favorite.