The iconic romantic comedy Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani (YJHD), starring Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, continues to shine bright in theatres during its re-release. Despite the influx of new movie releases, this 2013 hit has managed to captivate audiences once again, achieving remarkable success at the box office. Let’s dive into the Day 9 box office updates!
Re-Release Box Office Performance
Since its re-release on January 3, 2025, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani has been a massive hit across India. On its second Saturday, the film earned ₹1.40 crores*, marking a 21% increase from its opening day collection of ₹1.15 crores. The total collections after 9 days of theatrical run have reached ₹14.45 crores* net, which translates to ₹17.05 crores gross, surpassing the re-release earnings of Sholay 3D (₹13 crores gross) to become the third highest-grossing re-release in India.
The film now stands only behind Ghilli (₹26.50 crores) and Tumbbad (₹37.34 crores gross).
Total Box Office Collections
Originally released on May 31, 2013, Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani was made on a budget of ₹45 crores and grossed a phenomenal ₹190.03 crores at the box office, earning the status of a superhit.
With the 9-day re-release total now included, the combined lifetime box office collections of the film have surged to ₹204.48 crores. This marks a return on investment of ₹159.48 crores, reflecting a 354% profit.
Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani continues to remain a crowd favorite with its timeless appeal, memorable performances, and iconic songs like Badtameez Dil. The viral videos of audiences grooving to the song only add to the joy surrounding its re-release. As the film climbs the box office ladder, it’s evident that its magic on screen still resonates with audiences, making it a must-watch on the big screen once again.