Star Plus's iconic show, "Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai," continues to captivate audiences with its engaging storyline and emotional twists. The journey of Abhira (played by Samridhi Shukla) and Armaan (played by Rohit Purohit) remains at the heart of the narrative, as they navigate love, betrayal, and family dynamics. The show’s mix of drama and heartfelt moments has made it a fan favorite for years.
Although Vidya faced jail time, her release on bail has reignited tensions. Vidya harbors resentment toward Abhira and hopes to keep Armaan away from her. Meanwhile, the couple's strained relationship continues to unravel.
Feeling betrayed and frustrated, Abhira tries to reach Armaan through phone calls, but when he refuses to respond, she takes matters into her own hands. Abhira heads to Poddar House, determined to confront Armaan and demand answers.
Stay tuned to Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai as the story unfolds, blending emotional depth and thrilling twists that keep viewers hooked.