“Mo Desha, Mo Mati” program at Gandhi Nagar 

Berhampur, 26/10 (Abhijit Kar): On the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Bharatiya Janata Party has taken up the program of collecting holy soil under the name ‘Mo Mati Mo Desh’ across the country for the Amrit Batika to be held in memory of martyrs in New Delhi. In this context, under the leadership of the Bharatiya Janata Party’s Berhampur state working member Kanhu Charan Pati, the Mo’ Desh Mo’ Mati program started from the statue of Madhusudan at the local Gandhi Nagar Street and went around the city. Many party leaders including Mo’ Mati Mo’ Desh District Coordinator Dr. Subash Sahu, Sunil Kumar Sahu, Ram Kumar Patra, Prabhat Kiran Shadangi, Corporator Pradeep Shatpathi, D.Karunakar, Sabita Sahu, Ranjita Behera, Ratnagarbha Saraswati Devi Major were present in the event attended.

Abhijit Kar

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