Emergency Press Conference of Odisha Outsourcing Nursing Staff Federation

• Served under corona situation with low pay, layoff now is unfair

Berhampur, 28/9 (Abhijit Kar): A Press Conference was organized on behalf of Odisha Outsourcing Nursing Federation in the premises of the local Ganjam Kala Parisad. In the said press conference, Maha Sangh State President Pratap Pradhan, State Secretary Rinki Bisoyi, Bismita Sahu, Satish Nayak, Jayanthi Malidas, Girija Prasad Nand, Usharani Behera were prominently present and condemned the nursing strike movement and demanded re-employment of all outsourcing para-medical staff. Otherwise, it has decided to postpone the movement on October 4. He also informed that while the regular nursing workers in the state have started the movement, now the health care is running on the reliance of outsourcing and domestic nursing workers. But due to the strange policy of the government and the demands of the nursing association, the government has ordered the outsourcing staff to be laid off recently.
Due to which, both government and outsourcing employees have created a situation in the Federation. GNMs, ANMs and Tech Managerial Staff working in State and Ganjam District Head Hospitals, Sub-District Hospitals, Group Health Centers, Primary Health Centers and various Health Schemes, Para Medical Staff (Lab Technicians, Pharmacists, Radiographers) staff are coming from District Mineral Fund and other sources. Fund and through NHM PIP guidelines have been engaged in providing healthcare services as outsourced staff under L&K Services, Bhubaneswar for a long time. In addition to providing regular health care at health centers, the government has engaged us in various rural and remote areas for vaccination, immunization and many surveys and health awareness activities. For the last four years, we have been performing our duty with utmost dedication and providing uninterrupted healthcare to the people.
But unfortunately, recently we have been ordered by the service provider agency to lay us off through a letter from CDMO. As a result, hundreds of health workers have been laid off collectively by the agency in all districts. Since the corona epidemic, we have been engaged in the emergency health services of the district for a long time on low wages and unable to provide adequate services. The Federation has claimed that such dismissal without considering our seniority and experience must be unfair. All the outsourced GNMs, ANMs, Pharmacists, LTs and Radiographers of the district have responded that the government should fulfill the demands of the Federation or else it has been decided to postpone the agitation and the idea indefinitely.

Abhijit Kar

"Editor in Chief" ... 7008342882 ... abhijitkara1995@gmail.com
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