Foundation Day of Hind Mazdoor Sabha

Berhampur, 30/12 (Abhijit Kar): The 76th Foundation Day of the Central Labor Union Hind Mazdoor Sabha was held at PWD IB under the chairmanship of labor leader Narsingh Sahu. As the chief guest, Rajendra Das, State Deputy General Secretary of Hind Mazdoor Sabha highlighted the various problems of the workers and this workers association has kept its identity intact throughout India. Especially from Ganjam district in search of work outside the state and the country, it is difficult to return to their native soil if their health deteriorates and if there is any essential work, the central and state government have made various plans to help them, but not everyone knows about it. Awareness program in every village and city. Made everyone swear to deliver through. It was attended by the district coordinator of Hind Mazdoor Sabha, Satya Narayan Tripathi, educationist Sushant Kar, Dilip Patra, M. Kashinath, Shankar Goud, Lakshmi Goud, Geeta Behera and other workers.

Abhijit Kar

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